In the last two posts, we’ve talked about internal barriers for women in leadership. In my experience, it is more important to deal with the internal barriers, as they are issues that we can directly work on individually. Additionally, trying to deal with external barriers before our own hearts is unproductive. However, as I have […]
Category: Leadership Development
Leaders are critical in Great Commission work. Developing other leaders is an essential focus for every missions leader.
In the last post, I broke down some of the most common ways I have noticed women leaders in ministry tend to self-sabotage. In this post, I will continue with two more examples of internal barriers. If you are a female leader reading, ask the Holy Spirit to help identify areas that he would have […]
I. Women in Leadership This content was co-written with my friend LB who previously served as a team leader in East Asia and is currently serving in member care. In the previous post, I shared about my leadership journey and the unique internal tension I felt about being a woman leader in ministry and on […]
One of the topics that I’m most passionate about is empowering women towards leadership in missions. Half of the people among the unreached are women, and in many contexts, women are both the early adopters of the gospel and the ones who pass faith and discipleship onto their families. Currently, women make up ⅔ of […]
In How To Recruit Teammates (Part 1), we talked about how to cast vision broadly to networks of goers, with a particular eye out for leaders. In Part 2, we’ll describe more of the process of filtering and discerning a potential recruit’s fit on your team, and how to invite them to your team. Filter […]
One of the responsibilities of a Team Leader is to recruit the right teammates onto your team. We’re often asked many questions around the area of recruiting, including: “How do I know if someone’s right for my team?”“How do I cast compelling vision for someone to join?”“Should I prioritize role fit, gifting, or character?” We […]
Part 1 – Leadership Foundations Overview Part 2 – Why are leaders needed? Part 3 – How do I discern if I’m a leader? Part 4 – How do I develop as a leader? In Part 4, we talked about different ways that you can develop on your pathway towards becoming a team leader. One […]
Part 1 – Leadership Foundations OverviewPart 2 – Why are leaders needed?Part 3 – How do I discern if I’m a leader?_______ In the previous posts, we covered some leadership basics and foundations, the need for leaders on the missions field, and how to discern if you are a leader. In the next two posts, […]
Leadership Foundations Part 1: LF Overview Leadership Foundations Part 2: Why Are Leaders Needed? _______ In the last two posts of the Leadership Foundations series, we covered the definition of leadership and some leadership principles, and answered the question – Why are leaders needed? In this post, we’ll explore a question that many aspiring leaders […]
For our second post in the Leadership Foundations series, we felt the need to address this question – why are leaders needed? From our Overview post, we defined leadership as this: a leader is a man or woman who receives vision from God to influence the people of God towards the purposes of God. A […]