Abiding in Christ Church Planting Movements Team Development

Podcast: Building and Multiplying a Disciple Making Movement Team

We were recently invited to Cynthia Anderson’s Dare to Multiply Podcast to share about a few different topics that we are passionate about and have shared on this blog, including building and multiplying a movement team, finding national partners, and abiding in Christ. You can listen to it below!


2023 Recap

As we head into 2024, here are our top 5 most read posts of 2023! We have a lot on deck for next year, including the last few posts for the Be Barnabas series, as well as other posts about personal and team thriving. In 2024, we hope to connect with even more missions leaders […]

Be Barnabas Church Planting Movements CPM

Be Barnabas – What is a NAV?

I: Be Barnabas – Intro + Mint’s StoryII: Why Be Barnabas?III: Who was Barnabas from the Bible? _______ In the last couple of posts, we’ve heard from some guest contributors about who Barnabas was from the Bible and what he did to find and partner with Paul to catalyze multiplication in the 1st Century. This gives us […]

Be Barnabas Church Planting Movements CPM Personal Thailand

Be Barnabas – Intro and Mint’s Story

All posts in the Be Barnabas series:I. Intro and Mint’s StoryII. Why Be Barnabas?III. Who was Barnabas from the Bible?IV. What is a NAV?V. How to Find a NAVVI. How to Partner with a NAV Up to this point, this blog has largely covered some tools and paradigms around team leadership on the field. Our […]

Church Planting Movements Team Leader Toolbox

What’s the Point of Strategy? (Part 1/2)

“Strategy” is a frequently used word in missions leadership, maybe because of the parallels between missions and military situations. It’s often expected that team leaders would be ‘strategic’ in their ministry plans and leadership of their teams. For some leaders, they hear the word ‘strategy plan’ and they get really excited. Others might hear it […]